Letter from the Editor

Letter From the Editor



Now in its fourth year, The Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis (JCTP) remains committed to developmental review, interdisciplinarity and social justice. We are also growing. In the past year alone, we have had nearly 5,000 manuscript downloads, and, based on new download mapping technology, can see that our readership is truly global. We hope to continue to draw readers and authors that span academic disciplines as well as to encourage more submissions from activists engaged in the grassroots work of building social justice movements and practitioners who work in the broad field of social change. The 2015 Winter Issue reflects these commitments. This Issue contains six manuscripts and one book review.

Keywords: social justice intersectionality interdisciplinarity

How to Cite: Roesch-McNally, G. E. (2015) “Letter From the Editor”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis. 4(1).