Authors: Ryann Williams (Trinity University) , Chiara Pride (Trinity University) , Joshua Anaya (Trinity University) , Elizabeth Nimmons (University of Texas) , Robert Salcido, Jr. (Pride Center) , Amy L Stone (Trinity University)
Scholars have investigated the myriad ways lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth display resilience but often fail to incorporate youth's explicit definition of the concept. In this paper, we analyze the definitions of resilience used by youth we interviewed, mostly Black persons, Indigenous persons, and People of Color (BIPOCs) LGBTQ+ people in South Texas. We argue that centering the voices of LGBTQ+ youth is critical to the scholarly understanding of resilience. The LGBTQ+ youth in this project defined resilience as collective, as rebelliousness, as emotional intelligence, and as logistical resilience.
Keywords: LGBTQ, queer, youth, bipoc, resilience
How to Cite: Williams, R. , Pride, C. , Anaya, J. , Nimmons, E. , Salcido, Jr., R. & Stone, A. L. (2022) “Centering the Voices of Queer Youth in Defining Resilience”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis. 11(3). doi: