Design and Product Development

Influenced by Microgravity: The Development of Half-Scale Body Forms for Intravehicular Activity (IVA) Suit Design

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Vurushan and Ashdown (2017) demonstrated how full body 3D scanning of active body poses can be used to develop “watertight” digital models and half-scale dress forms to facilitate design, pattern making and fit analyses. For this research project, Vurushan and Ashdown’s method was modified to develop dress forms, for a graduate student’s MS thesis project, focusing on Intravehicular Activity (IVA) apparel, using NASA’s “Man-Systems Integration Standards,” body position.

Keywords: Microgravity, Half-scale mannequins

How to Cite: Echols, O. & Sokolowski, S. L. (2019) “Influenced by Microgravity: The Development of Half-Scale Body Forms for Intravehicular Activity (IVA) Suit Design”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 76(1). doi:
