Body Shape Classifications of Males 26 to 35 Using Size USA Three-Dimensional Scan Data
The purpose of this research was to provide a method for using 3D scan data to determine shape categories for the male population in the United States between the ages of 26 and 35. Specific research questions included: (1) Can SizeUSA data ( collected for men be used to identify the predominant shapes of male bodies in the US for men ages 26 to 35? (2) Based on literature review and the visual properties of the bodies within each shape, can a descriptive label be identified that would aid in an understanding of the shape differentiators? (3) Does the current ASTM sizing system developed for mature males meet the measurement needs of the male subjects with the 26 to 35 age range from the SizeUSA sizing survey? This research is of value to the apparel industry because it demonstrates that a large percentage of the US male population’s measurement needs are not being met. This information will assist in establishing a baseline for further studies in the area of body shape categories for males. The findings in this research study can aid apparel industry professionals in achieving and communicating better fitting apparel for US males in the 26 to 35 age range and has the potential to help with other age ranges.
Keywords: Shape Classification, 3D Scan Data
How to Cite:
Wilson, A. & Istook, C. L., (2019) “Body Shape Classifications of Males 26 to 35 Using Size USA Three-Dimensional Scan Data”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:
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