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Consumer Behavior

Conceptual Framework of Impulse Self-Gifting Behavior

  • Jin Su orcid logo (Univeristy of North Carolina at Greensboro)
  • Nancy J. Hodges (University of North Carolina Greensboro)
  • Sukyung Seo (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)


As self-gifting behavior has been increasing, the study on self-gifting is regarded as important. Self-gifting is characterized by emotion-driven so is impulse buying. The study is to construct conceptual framework for studying antecedents and consequences of impulse self-gifting in the light of the empirical approach. Based on Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R), the proposed conceptual framework indicates that internal (i.e., hedonic motive and impulsivity) and external antecedents (i.e., retail environment and marketing promotions) affect consumers' emotional responses, which in turn influence impulse self-gifting behavior. Furthermore, moderating effects of self-control may attenuate the effects of emotional responses on impulse self-gifting behavior. The findings of the study will offer beneficial insights for marketers to understand consumers' internal motivations and external marketing and retail features that may ultimately influence impulse self-gifting behavior.

Keywords: Impulse buying, Self-control, Cognitive Dissonance, Self-Gifting

How to Cite:

Su, J., Hodges, N. J. & Seo, S., (2019) “Conceptual Framework of Impulse Self-Gifting Behavior”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:

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