Right-Sized Consumption: Should Doughnut Economics Inform the Textile and Apparel Industry?
One of the toughest challenges our industry faces is how to Right-Size Consumption in a way that supports our environment while at the same time sustains business profitability. Companies are scrambling to find the right balance that meets this consumer shift while at the same time endures the demands of share holders in a capitalist marketplace. The purpose of this concept paper is to inspire a discussion on how ITAA scholars can begin to develop an economic model of sustainability where environment, economics, and humans not only co-exist—but thrive.
Keywords: Ethics, Sustainable economy, Doughnut Economics
How to Cite:
Hawley, J. M., (2019) “Right-Sized Consumption: Should Doughnut Economics Inform the Textile and Apparel Industry?”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.8350
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