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Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Management

Factors Leading to Success for Entrepreneurs in the Chinese Online C2C Market

  • Rui Li (Iowa State University)
  • Te-Lin Chung orcid logo (Iowa State University)
  • Ann Marie Marie Fiore (Iowa State University)


The purpose of the present study was to gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese online C2C market by exploring the roles of personal motivations, resources, and Chinese institutional environment (e.g., norms, culture) factors in business operations and success from the seller’s perspectives. In particular, the present study investigated online entrepreneurs’ means of identifying and acquiring different resources,the operational strategies they employed, and other factors they perceived to impact their business success. The findings of this study suggest that these entrepreneurs may benefit from positioning themselves in a carefully identified product category or apply novel operational strategies based on their possessed resources to achieve success. Specifically, proactive cultivation and leveraging of their external “guanxi” and implementation of technology may significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of such efforts.  

Keywords: online market, Entrepreneruship, Chinese, consumer to consumer (C2C), success

How to Cite:

Li, R., Chung, T. & Fiore, A. M., (2019) “Factors Leading to Success for Entrepreneurs in the Chinese Online C2C Market”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:

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