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Consumer Behavior

Comprehensive Influences on Consumers' Acceptance of 3D-Printed Apparel

  • Anna Perry (Colorado State University)


The purpose of the current study is to incorporate an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) and examine how factors comprehensively affect consumers' perceptions, attitude, and usage intention of 3D-printed apparel. Specifically, this study examines comprehensive relationships among 1) external variables, 2) external variables and TAM variables, and 3) TAM variables. In addition, this study also examines 4) the determinants of TAM variables. An online survey was designed using established measures . A total of 1,002 participants were recruited from Amazon Mechanical Turk. The result indicated that 1) All external variables were related; 2) External variables and TAM variables had complicated relationships; 3) The TAM relationships were mostly confirmed, excepted ease of use to usefulness; 4) Usage intention was limitedly contributed by aesthetics and usefulness, but mostly determined by attitude, which was largely influenced by design, performance, and usefulness.

How to Cite:

Perry, A., (2016) “Comprehensive Influences on Consumers' Acceptance of 3D-Printed Apparel”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).

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