Young Adults' Ethical Reasoning Concerning Fast Fashion Retailers
The purpose of this research was to identify the ethical perspectives that young adult consumers are using to evaluate fast fashion retailers. A total of 111 U.S. undergraduates responded to an open-ended question about why they believed fast fashion retailers were behaving ethically or unethically. Participants' responses were content-analyzed to identify on which ethical perspectives they were basing their assessments of fast fashion retailers. More than half of the participants believed that fast fashion retailers were behaving ethically. U.S. young adults based their decisions on the fairness approach, shareholder perspective, and common good approach.
How to Cite:
Lam, H., Yurchisin, J. & Cook, S. C., (2016) “Young Adults' Ethical Reasoning Concerning Fast Fashion Retailers”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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