How Do Consumers Evaluate the Identical Product on Competing Online Retailers? A Big Data Analysis Approach Using Consumer Reviews
For big data analysis practice, this study collected both types of consumer review data, a structured form (i.e., review ratings) and an unstructured form (i.e., review text), on a fashion item from two different online retailers. Using the collected data, this study aims to identify 1) consumers' evaluation criteria on a fashion product, 2) positive or negative sentiment toward the product, and 2) the impact of these identified variables on consumers' ratings. For online retailers, and were selected for comparison. The results identified six evaluation criteria from consumer reviews such as authenticity and inside design and revealed that Macy's online consumers are, in general, more satisfied with the fashion product and have more specific evaluation criteria satisfying themselves, compared to's consumers. The results suggest that product and service attributes influencing consumers' satisfaction and evaluation are different across online retailers and its consumers, even on the same product.
How to Cite:
Kang, J. & Jang, S., (2016) “How Do Consumers Evaluate the Identical Product on Competing Online Retailers? A Big Data Analysis Approach Using Consumer Reviews”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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