Delicate Target: A Multi-Dimensional Representation of Woman using RIP Digital Printing Software to Enlarging Half-scale to Full-scale
Inspiration. The author previously investigated the use of flowers in advertisements targeting women. This connection between women and flowers implies that the ideal woman is delicate and beautiful like a flower. The exploration outcome was a gown that made the wearer look like a rose (McKinney, 2006). The current design's purpose was to create a multi-faceted representation of the female target market. The visually strong black and white target side exterior was juxtaposed with a delicate floral side collaged from apparel, makeup, perfume, and jewelry advertisements. The wearer's self-representation may be controlled by how the reversible vest is worn. Whether she chooses to show her strong side or her delicate side, the other side will always be peeking out from the inside. Garment Pattern Development. The designer of this piece participated in the halfscale Forum, attended the presentation, and subsequently produced the design in full-scale using the following process:
How to Cite:
McKinney, E. C., (2016) “Delicate Target: A Multi-Dimensional Representation of Woman using RIP Digital Printing Software to Enlarging Half-scale to Full-scale”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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