Creative Design: Professional

Harmonious Coexistence



Just like various discrete members in human society, dense forests have their own versatile members; trees, flowers, moss, mushrooms, and so on. They are inhabiting harmoniously together in forests. Mushrooms are the typical ones which are showing a coexistence rule well enough to share roots with trees without damage. Among all species of mushrooms, crinoline stinkhorn shows us the overlay of transparency through its own nets. On the other hand, a swarm of flowers and leaves in a forest show us the overlay of repetitiveness. This design represents this kind of the overlay of repetitiveness, transparency and continuity by using hand knitting technique and leather materials from the designer's own aesthetic point of view. Knitting is the most flexible and easiest way of creating shape by using any colors, sizes and textures at a maker's own free will.


How to Cite: Lee, J. (2016) “Harmonious Coexistence”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 73(1).