Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing: Branding

User Experience in Fashion Brand Pages in Social Networking Sites: Values and Affective Experience of Information Interaction

Authors: ,


To enhance a current understanding about brand pages in SNS, this study focuses on user experiences during information interactions in brand pages in SNS and investigates how different values of information interactions in brand pages influence affective experiences, which in turn affect users' experiential states (satisfaction, engagement, cognitive elaboration) and thus their loyalty intention toward brand pages. Four facets of values of interest include two instrumental values (perceived control and usefulness) and two non-instrumental values (perceived enjoyment and connectedness). Data were obtained from 290 adult Koreans who followed fashion brand SNS pages using a self-administered online survey. Our results indicate that users' affective experience during information interaction plays a key role in generating positive user experiences with brand pages in SNS. Specifically, affective experience enhances satisfaction, engaging experience, and cognitive elaboration, thereby increasing loyalty intentions toward the brand page. Additionally, perceived controllability, usefulness, and enjoyment create affective experience.


How to Cite: Park, J. & Ha, S. (2016) “User Experience in Fashion Brand Pages in Social Networking Sites: Values and Affective Experience of Information Interaction”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 73(1).