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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Fashion Image: Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Approach to Portfolio Presentation

  • Young Kim Kim (Kent State University)


Fashion Image course provides opportunities to observe, analyze, create, and examine both figurative and literal function of fashion imagery. The core objective of Fashion Image is to showcase the multi-disciplinary skills and learning outcomes of students by combining theoretical and practical approaches in planning an editorial shoot. Methods include lectures, workshops, and collaborative field work with photography and videography students from other schools and disciplines. After hearing guest lectures from important-taste makers in the NYC fashion industry, students collaborate, work as a team, make equal contributions, adjust expectations, and openly speak about creative differences. Learning current industry professional practices aids students in trouble shooting, managing risks, and improvising while on location. Students are assessed by process boards, finished digital stills, videos, and artist's statements, all which provide dynamic enhancements to a traditional portfolio format. Fashion Image course serves as a catalyst for future collaborations in the professional fashion world

How to Cite:

Kim, Y. K., (2016) “Fashion Image: Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Approach to Portfolio Presentation”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).

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