Learning Professional Techniques Through Play: Using Games in the Apparel Classroom
All students have intrinsic motivations yet faculty members frequently lament the lack of intellectual curiosity exhibited by students. Students complain that course material is not immediately relevant to their lives or interests. Additionally, traditional college classrooms have become less effective at tapping into students' intrinsic motivations. Games are an often overlooked mechanism by which professors can appeal to intrinsic motivations of students. More than 100 million people in the United States play games regularly, suggesting intrinsic motivation is an effective method for encouraging students to engage with course material. (Rigby & Ryan, 2011.) There is an instructional opportunity to spark intellectual curiosity and tap into students' intrinsic motivations through games.
How to Cite:
Hasty, A., (2016) “Learning Professional Techniques Through Play: Using Games in the Apparel Classroom”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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