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Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Agricultural Netting Products

  • Katie Jo Engle (Washington State University)
  • Hang Liu (Washington State University)


In recent years, photoselective nets, which possess special sunlight transmission properties, have gained popularity in use for fruit orchards. In addition to protecting crops against environmental hazards and pests, photoselective nets can also alter the microclimate and solar radiation under nets, therefore providing a sustainable solution to agriculture production. Preliminary literature review revealed that much of the research on agricultural netting products was focused on their impact on the growth of plants and crops. Net properties, such as basic fabric characteristics and physical/mechanical properties, are kept as an industry secret by manufacturers and are not available to the public. However, these properties are critical information to be considered at net selection and for future product development and innovation. The purpose of this research was to delve into the basic fabric characteristics and physical/mechanical properties of various agricultural netting products.

How to Cite:

Engle, K. & Liu, H., (2016) “Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Agricultural Netting Products”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).

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