Consumer Behavior

Understanding College Students’ Attitudes toward Made in USA Apparel Products: Exploration of Projective Techniques

Authors: ,


In recent years, manufacturing of apparel products in America has been increasing due to growing consumer demand, changing business models, and rising government support. Although previous research in country-of-origin (COO) literature has examined consumers’ attitudes towards American made products, many studies have focused on how consumers utilized country information as a product attribute to help them evaluate the quality of the products and to understand consumers’ views about products manufactured in developed countries vs. developing countries (e.g., Samiee, 1994).

Keywords: Apparel; college students; made in USA; projective techniques

How to Cite: Yan, R. & Podmore, M. (2014) “Understanding College Students’ Attitudes toward Made in USA Apparel Products: Exploration of Projective Techniques”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 71(1).