Body Size Anxiety: Appearance Management Behaviors, Social Physique Anxiety, Appearance Evaluation, and Appearance Orientation in Larger Size Women
Weight bias is a pervasive form of discrimination in our modern day society. Goffman (1963) offered foresight into why weight bias has become so prevalent in our modern era. Those with stigmatized identities which people perceive as controllable are seen as having a defect in their own character. This makes sympathy for the individual less likely than criticism.
Keywords: evaluation, body size, Anxiety, orientation
How to Cite:
Harmon, J. & Rudd, N. A., (2013) “Body Size Anxiety: Appearance Management Behaviors, Social Physique Anxiety, Appearance Evaluation, and Appearance Orientation in Larger Size Women”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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