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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Incorporating Magazine Project to Teach Fashion Styling Course

  • Keith Nishida (Oregon State University)


When college students first enter a fashion apparel/textiles design and merchandising program, they seldom know the exact career path they either wish to enter or would excel in. Partially due to the vast career opportunities available in apparel merchandising, retailing and promotions within the greater fashion industry, fashion students are often left confused of their career path as they matriculate through their academic program. Although most fashionrelated programs offer some form of curricula structure to allow undergraduate students the opportunity to explore various sectors within the courses offered at the institution (often referred as “elective”, “specialization” or “emphasis” courses), some career topics are still left untapped.

Keywords: Pedagogy, styling, magazine, fashion

How to Cite:

Nishida, K., (2013) “Incorporating Magazine Project to Teach Fashion Styling Course”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).

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