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Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Predicting Behavioral Intentions toward Sustainable Fashion Consumption: A Comparison of Attitude-Behavior and Value-Behavior Consistency Models

  • Srikant Manchiraju (Iowa State University)


Sustainable consumption is defined as use of goods and services that caters to one’s basic needs and to enhance quality of life while minimizing resources used, such that future generations’ needs are not jeopardized (Dolan, 2002). Sustainable consumption has received great attentions in the fashion industry; given the substantial impact apparel production has on environmental pollution (Claudio, 2007). For example, Claudio (2007) cited the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste report, which suggested that on average an American discards 68 pounds of textile and clothing every year. The present study is an effort to understand consumers’ behavioral intention toward sustainable fashion consumption utilizing attitudebehavior and value-behavior consistency models. In particular, the predictive power of these models in the context of sustainable fashion consumption is analyzed, individually as well as in combination.

Keywords: attitude, fashion, Value, Sustainable

How to Cite:

Manchiraju, S., (2013) “Predicting Behavioral Intentions toward Sustainable Fashion Consumption: A Comparison of Attitude-Behavior and Value-Behavior Consistency Models”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).

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