Outerwear—inner musings: A theoretical framework application for creative scholarship
- Charles Freeman (Mississippi State University)
- Lisa McRoberts (Louisiana State University)
- Chelsea Bell (University of Noth Texas)
- Li-Fen Anny Chang (University of North Texas)
- Marian O'Rouke-Kaplan (University of North Texas)
- Janie Stidham (University of North Texas)
- Melanie Carrico (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Scholarship in design, namely clothing and textiles, is based in practice and research. Dire concerns and consequences face academics deciding to undertake creative production as a scholarship track, namely promotion and tenure. With a profession centered on creative practice, efforts to better define and document methodological rigor for creative scholarship must be made, in order to increase knowledge dissemination across the discipline. Studies in information systems design-science theory application indicate various guidelines for undertaking creative practice as design-science (Hevner et al., 2004).
Keywords: and design, apparel, Creativity, scholarship
How to Cite:
Freeman, C., McRoberts, L., Bell, C., Chang, L. A., O'Rouke-Kaplan, M., Stidham, J. & Carrico, M., (2013) “Outerwear—inner musings: A theoretical framework application for creative scholarship”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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