Who Read Socially Responsible Apparel Labels
Socially responsible (SR) labeling has been developed to encourage consumers to make SR purchases based on ecological attributes of products and additional SR information listed on labels (D’Souza, 2004). Previous research studied the efficacy of SR labels and revealed that SR labels influenced consumers’ purchasing decisions (Dickson, 2001; D’Souza et al., 2007). Despite the fact that SR issues in the apparel industry are significant considerations, practicing conscientious apparel consumption can be challenging for fashion consumers when surrounded by fast fashion and the desire for the latest fashion styles.
Keywords: social responsibility, apparel label, Shopping orientation
How to Cite:
Gam, H., Ma, Y. & Banning, J., (2013) “Who Read Socially Responsible Apparel Labels”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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