Equipping apparel design students with the knowledge of 3D/ 2D simulation technologies: A case study and its implications for curriculum development
In the competitive global apparel industry, fast-changing fashion trends and offshore sourcing of production necessitate flexibility and efficiency for product development and communication among designers, manufactures, and retailers. Three dimensional (3D) virtual prototyping technologies have potential to offer solutions for minimizing lead times and costs associated with product development (Sayem, Kennon & Clarke, 2010). 3D body scanning and 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems can be used to generate realistic body models, develop patterns, and simulate digital garments onto body models. When these 3D technologies are fully adopted it will be vital for apparel designers in the near future to exhibit competency in using these technologies for product development, communication and collaboration with cross-cultural and global distributed teams.
Keywords: 3D/2D, patternmaking, scan avatars, virtual prototyping
How to Cite:
Baytar, F. & Meyer, A., (2013) “Equipping apparel design students with the knowledge of 3D/ 2D simulation technologies: A case study and its implications for curriculum development”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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