Consumer Behavior

Modern consumer socialization: The influence of peers, family, and online social networking usage

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Online social networking (SNS) usage has been a revolutionary topic of interest for researchers and consumers since online social networking websites’ popularity spiked. Online social networking utilized by an individual engages family members, friends, and retailers. Since SNS have integrated into many individuals’ daily lives, consumer socialization patterns previously observed have undoubtedly changed. Although the influence of SNS usage on attitudes and purchase intentions toward product reviews have rarely been researched, preceding studies have found socialization agents such as peers, family, and media to be influential on the socialization of consumers (Nelson & McLeod, 2005).

Keywords: Consumer socialization, online social networking, Gender

How to Cite: Johnson, J. & Ha, Y. (2013) “Modern consumer socialization: The influence of peers, family, and online social networking usage”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 70(1).