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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Developing theoretical thinking skills in dress scholarship: An exercise in relational statement identification and analysis

  • Genna Reeves-DeArmond (Oregon State University)


Pedersen (2008-2009) began a discussion of theory development in interpretive dress history scholarship and explained “that there [are] multiple ways to develop and apply theory” and one such way is to identify and analyze relational statements (RSs) (Pedersen, Buckland, & Bates, 2008-2009, p. 73). RSs, Pedersen argued, are important in developing an understanding of the formation of theory at a micro-level. Thinking theoretically is an important skill, but one that should be actively practiced and applied if it is going to aid in professional development and advance scholarship.

Keywords: relational statement, historic dress, theoretical concept, theory

How to Cite:

Reeves-DeArmond, G., (2013) “Developing theoretical thinking skills in dress scholarship: An exercise in relational statement identification and analysis”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).

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