Consumer Behavior

An Investigation of Self-Concept, Clothing Selection, and Life Satisfaction among Disabled Consumers

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Because consumer behavior research has typically focused on the population of “haves” and assumed consumers’ normalcy (Miller, 1997), the population of “have nots” has been largely ignored by researchers. As a result, we have a limited understanding of disabled individuals as consumers, particularly their behaviors related to the selection of clothing to wear. Thus, this study is designed to better understand disabled consumers and to investigate the influence of disabled individuals’ multifaceted self-concept on their motivations for clothing selection.

Keywords: Disabled consumers, self-concept, clothing selection, satisfaction

How to Cite: Chang, H. , Yurchisin, J. & Hodges, N. (2013) “An Investigation of Self-Concept, Clothing Selection, and Life Satisfaction among Disabled Consumers”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 70(1).