The Effect of Negative CSR Information by Luxury Fashion Brands on Consumer Response
Contrary to positive corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities by luxury fashion brands in western countries, little attention has been paid by the same companies to Korean society (FSS, 2012). South Korea is poised to be the next luxury power house in Asia, even overtaking Japan (Luxe Brand Advisors, 2012). Are Korean consumers not as sensitive as western consumers about CSR by luxury fashion brands? To answer these questions, this study explores the effect of negative CSR information by luxury fashion companies on consumer responses.
Keywords: luxury fashion brands, consumer, corporate social responsibility, CSR
How to Cite:
Choi, Y., Yang, S., Yoon, S. & Yang, H., (2013) “The Effect of Negative CSR Information by Luxury Fashion Brands on Consumer Response”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 70(1).
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