Exploring Custom Body Form Development to Support Designing for Size Diversity
Traditional product development typically utilizes fashion croquis and standardized body forms based on narrow silhouette ideals. Our pilot project reconceptualized the fashion design process using 3D technology to engage students to create on their own body forms. A convenience sample (n=4) of female students with diverse ethnicities, body shapes/heights were scanned using the Size Stream SS20 Classic model. Data was exported to Rhinoceros 3D and a KUKA Robotic arm carved body forms from EPS foam in each participant's likeness. The data was also used to create a customized croquis in CLO 3D. Students had mixed reactions to the initial reveal of their body form and croquis and completed reflections on their perceptions of diversity, body image and beauty ideals, as well as their experiences while designing. Next steps include operationalizing the creation of custom body forms for use in fashion design classes.
Keywords: 3D technology, custom body forms and croquis, design process
How to Cite:
Phinney, C., Tullio Pow, S., Chau, P., Russo, D. & Barry, B., (2025) “Exploring Custom Body Form Development to Support Designing for Size Diversity”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 81(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.18736
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