Consumer Emotional Intelligence and its Role in the Apparel Consumption Behavior
This study seeks to determine if emotional intelligence will significantly moderate the relationships between environmental apparel knowledge (EAK), environmental attitude (EA), and environmentally responsible apparel consumption behavior (ACB). Based on Kollmuss & Agyeman' (2002) model as a framework and extant literature review, three hypotheses were proposed: H1: Consumers' environmental apparel knowledge (EAK) will positively influence their environmentalism attitude (EA). H2: Consumers' EA will positively influence environmentally responsible apparel consumption behavior (ACB). H3: EI will moderate the relationships between: (a) EAK and EA and (b) EA and ACB. An online survey method was used to collect data. A total of 436 useable surveys were gathered from U.S. nationals (age 18 and above) with an average age of 48. All hypotheses were supported. We found that EI plays an important role in consumer-decision making process beyond the cognitive framework even in ACB context.
How to Cite:
Sadachar, A., Rolling, V. & Manchiraju, S., (2017) “Consumer Emotional Intelligence and its Role in the Apparel Consumption Behavior”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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