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Human Skeleton-aware Virtual Try-on via Fashion Landmarks and Garment Deformation

  • Honghong He orcid logo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • Yanghong Zhou orcid logo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • Zhengwentai Sun (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • Jintu Fan orcid logo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • P.Y. Mok orcid logo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)


Virtual Try-On technology (VTON) enablesusers to visualize how a specific garment would appear on their bodies, servingas an important tool to support online purchase of clothing. The GAN models havebeen recently applied in VTON, generating visually pleasing fitting images. Nevertheless,these methods generate clothing images using a learned pixel-level translationtechnique, without modelling the complex relationship between human andclothing. This study introduces a novel human skeleton-aware fashion landmarksdeformation VTON method, called SLD-VTON, which transfers the wearing position fromthe source garment to the target person  at the desired position, for a size faithful try-oneffect. Extensive experiment has demonstrated that SLD-VTON can size faithfuland realistic try-on results. Compared with other state-of-the-art VTONmethods, the proposed method is more robust in garments deformation and excelsin maintaining the details.

Keywords: Virtual Try-on, Fashion Landmarks, Pose Estimation, Human Parsing, Skeleton-aware, thin plate spline (TPS)

How to Cite:

He, H., Zhou, Y., Sun, Z., Fan, J. & Mok, P., (2024) “Human Skeleton-aware Virtual Try-on via Fashion Landmarks and Garment Deformation”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:



Published on
27 Jan 2024
Peer Reviewed