Textile and Apparel Science
Authors: Solaiman Bin Ali (University of Wyoming) , Jennifer Harmon (University of Wyoming)
The paper examines sustainable approaches to cotton dyeing, focusingon indigo and woad dyes. It emphasizes the use of green reducingagents and the application of natural colorants. The study aims toenhance lightfastness by using lemon nutrients on dyed fabrics andevaluates these fabrics against industrially practiced standards. Theexperimental setup involved scouring and dyeing cotton fabrics withindigo and woad, utilizing various reducing agents and lemontreatment. Evaluating colorfastness to light revealed promisingresults. Woad-dyed cotton with certain reducing agents displayed goodto excellent lightfastness, notably improving when treated withlemon. Similarly, lemon treatment enhanced the lightfastness ofindigo-dyed cotton, showcasing better results. The conclusionhighlights the potential of woad as an alternative to indigo due tocomparable lightfastness. Applying lemon towoad-dyed fabrics enhances lightfastness, especially when usingspecific reducing agents. However, issues like color depth inwoad-dyed cotton with fructose indicate the need for further research.
Keywords: Vatting, Lightfastness, Sustainable, Indigo, Woad
How to Cite: Ali, S. B. & Harmon, J. (2024) “Analyzing the lightfastness of woad-dyed cotton in batch dyeing, using sustainable reducing agents and chemical finishing with lemon’s nutrient”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 80(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.17590