Pedagogy and Professional Development

Cultivating Applied Technology Competencies in the Apparel and Textiles Curriculum: Development and Assessment of Course Materials and Teaching Strategies

Authors: , , , , ,


The purpose of this paper was to report on the products, results, and outcomes of a three year project funded by a Collaborative CG2 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Higher Education Challenge Grant that addresses the need for future professionals with competencies in virtual/3D technologies. Findings from primary and secondary data collection were used to develop course materials, resource collections, and five v-modules that address specific courses or content areas within the apparel and textiles curriculum, including textiles, sourcing and supply chain management, merchandising, buying and promotion, and design/product development. The outcomes of this project offer several means for apparel and textile program faculty to integrate opportunities for teaching and learning that are specifically designed to build students' virtual/3D technology skills and to therefore facilitate their career readiness.

Keywords: applied technology, 3D technology, virtual technology, pedagogy

How to Cite: Hodges, N. J. , Watchravesringkan, K. , Yan, R. , Geanious, C. , Chang, H. & Greenhalgh-Spencer, H. (2024) “Cultivating Applied Technology Competencies in the Apparel and Textiles Curriculum: Development and Assessment of Course Materials and Teaching Strategies”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 80(1). doi:
