The Identity Expression Behavior between Eastern and Western Gamers Using Stimulated Digital Fashion
Online live-streaming video game networks served as invaluable interaction platforms among people during the worldwide lockdown in 2020. The collaboration of fashion brands and video gaming systems led to the emergence of "fashion gamification." Animal Crossing: New Horizons (AC: NH) is a popular social simulation game with customization control, interactivity, and self-expression features. This simulation game successfully created global digital interactions between fashion and non-fashion communities. Its global-scale popularity based on real-time socialization enticed fashion brands to focus on virtual fashion platforms as their digital marketing strategy. Considering the substantial market opportunities of stimulated digital fashions, we propose the adoption of the Uses and Gratification Theory and the Theory of Cultural Values to investigate the convergence of and divergence between Eastern and Western gamers' identity expression, sustain the fashion gamification concept, and provide sustainability opportunities for the fashion industry.
Keywords: Metaverse, virtual fashion, gamification, Virtual Fashion, Gamification
How to Cite:
Yuen, Y. & Kim, J., (2024) “The Identity Expression Behavior between Eastern and Western Gamers Using Stimulated Digital Fashion”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 80(1). doi:
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