Creating Pageant Apparel Using Industry Technology: A Graduate Course
Creating apparel for pageant contestants is part of the design and product development process. It is also unique due to the requirement of fit. Fit for pageant contestants is extremely important so that good body characteristics are enhanced and bad characteristics are hidden. The use of 3-D body scanning that is imported into a computer aided design (CAD) software system is essential in creating custom fit garments with desired fit. This allows for the creation of an avatar which is critical for providing and assessing adequate fit on screen (Apeagyie, 2010). Graduate students in a spring advanced apparel production course were challenged to produce three garments for the reigning a Mrs. “State” to compete in the Mrs. America pageant. A meeting was held to meet Mrs. “State” and determine what her preferences were for the garments to be produced. The garments consisted of a state pageant costume and two evening/cocktail garments. Discussions were held both in the classroom and with Mrs. “State” as to the style, length, fabrication and fit of each of the garments. At that time, Mrs. “State” was body scanned using the TC2 NX-12 body scanner to determine accurate body measurements. The graduate students then created sketches and obtained swatches of potential fabrics for the garments. The graduate students and professor then traveled to a major metropolitan area to purchase fabrics. Mrs. “State” and her pageant director met the class to approve sketches, fabrics, linings and trim.
Keywords: teaching, technology, industry software
How to Cite:
Apple, L. M. & Hopper, S. K., (2012) “Creating Pageant Apparel Using Industry Technology: A Graduate Course”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 69(1), 1-3. doi:
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