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Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Apparel design for zero waste: Exploring aesthetic preferences and purchase intentions as a function of zero waste design typicality and zero waste concept

  • Dawn M Michaelson (Auburn University)
  • Veena Chattaraman (Auburn University)


This study investigated the individual and interaction effects of typicality and the ZW design concept on the aesthetic preference and purchase intentions for ZW designed apparel, providing critical insights for ZW designers to better understand consumer preferences. The study employed a 2 x 2 x 2 mixed factorial experimental design. A total of 152 participants completed the online survey. Participants preferred typical ZW dresses (long and short) aesthetically over atypical dresses. Further, the ZW design concept did not make a difference to this typicality-based preference or purchase intention for ZW dresses. Purchase intentions for typical ZW long dresses were greater than atypical. The main take-away for designers of ZW apparel is the critical role that typicality plays in consumer's aesthetic preferences and purchase intentions for ZW apparel.

How to Cite:

Michaelson, D. M. & Chattaraman, V., (2017) “Apparel design for zero waste: Exploring aesthetic preferences and purchase intentions as a function of zero waste design typicality and zero waste concept”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).

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