Facing the rising consumer sophistication: The factors motivate Chinese consumers' apparel customization adoption
The purpose of the current study is to determine the factors that influence Chinese consumers in pursuing apparel customization. An online survey was set up on a Chinese online research website called Wenjuanxing. A total of 321 usable responses were collected and used in the main analysis. structural equation model (SEM) was then conducted to examine the influence of adventure shopping, value shopping, idea shopping, perceived enjoyment, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on Chinese consumers' intention to buy customized apparel products. The results point out that shopping values and perceived enjoyment in customization motivate Chinese consumers to participate in apparel customization. Chinese consumers who enjoy the process of customization or co-design have relatively positive attitude towards customized apparel products and are also more likely to get involved in customizing their own apparel products. Additionally, adventure shopping, value shopping and idea shopping also drive subjective norms and perceived behavioral control among Chinese consumers, which further stimulates Chinese consumers to adopt apparel customization. Drawing upon the results of this study, some implications were provided. To encourage more apparel customization among Chinese consumers, enhancing the entertainment aspect of co-design and emphasizing the enjoyment and benefits of learning new fashion ideas would be beneficial for the development of customization businesses.
How to Cite:
Lang, C., Zhang, R. & Zhao, L., (2017) “Facing the rising consumer sophistication: The factors motivate Chinese consumers' apparel customization adoption”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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