Exploring Sociology of Consumption of Wedding Dress Rentals in Thailand
This study employed in-depth interview and observation methods to gain Thai consumers' subjective experiences and an understanding about factors affecting renting decision processes in the wedding dress rental context. Findings demonstrate that Thai consumers' five-step decision making process in renting is influenced by sociology of consumption (i.e., cultural values, institution, and norms imposed by institutions) that consumers acknowledge and comply. Shared beliefs in Thai culture affect individuals' actions or use of resources to achieve their goals. This study significantly contributes to the body of literature in product renting decision-making process and extends these findings to include renting decision by proposing the use of sociology of consumption for exploring product-specific consumption in Thai culture. Future research should investigate the role of cultural differences and social norms in renting decisions among consumers in the U.S. to learn more about their societal characteristics that can possibly encourage wedding dress renting behavior.
How to Cite:
Cook, S. C. & Min, S., (2017) “Exploring Sociology of Consumption of Wedding Dress Rentals in Thailand”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 74(1).
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