Pedagogy and Professional Development

Collaborative Teaching for Technology Based Fashion Design Undergraduate Courses

  • Chanjuan Chen (University of North Texas)
  • Jennifer Elaine Stanley (University of North Texas)
  • Hae Jin Gam (University of North Texas)


The fashion industry has evolved with the usage of various technologies and the fashion curriculum update has reflected this change to equip students with up-to-date information. However, introducing a new knowledge of technology then including application of the newly learned technique within one course time frame while meeting the course objectives can be challenging. Previous studies indicated that collaborative teaching can be effective for training students with up-to-date information to meet the demands of the current industry. While instructors can meet the original course objective, students can observe various applications from the new skills that they learned. To increase students’ interest in learning the content in new technology and improve effectiveness of fashion design teaching, the purpose of the study is to explore the options of how new technology (Gerber AccuMark, laser cutting, and digital printing in this study) in fashion design can be effectively taught through collaborative teaching.

Keywords: collaborative teaching, laser cut, Gerber, patterns, textile printing

How to Cite:

Chen, C., Stanley, J. E. & Gam, H., (2022) “Collaborative Teaching for Technology Based Fashion Design Undergraduate Courses”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:

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Published on
31 Dec 2022
Peer Reviewed