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Textile and Apparel Industries

Right Product at The Right Place: Analysis of the Changing Job Responsibilities of Visual Merchandisers During the Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Somnath Gorai (National Institute of Fashion Technology)
  • Ishtehar Sharif Swazan orcid logo (University of Missouri)
  • Debanjan Das orcid logo (University of Missouri)


The Indian retail industry consists of more than 15 million retailers, comprising micro, small and large enterprises and divided into unorganized micro-businesses and organized retail chains. The retail industry employs between 40 and 50 million people and contributes 10 percent to the country’s GDP. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced consumers to change the way they prefer to shop. To bring back customers to in person shopping, business owners gave added responsibilities to the visual merchandisers to make the in-person shopping experience safe and enjoyable. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the changes in the visual merchandising job characteristics. A qualitative interview approach was taken to understand the changing job space of visual merchandisers.

Keywords: Visual Merchandising, Retail Management, Job Responsibility, Covid-19, Job Characteristics

How to Cite:

Gorai, S., Swazan, I. & Das, D., (2022) “Right Product at The Right Place: Analysis of the Changing Job Responsibilities of Visual Merchandisers During the Covid-19 Pandemic”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 79(1). doi:

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