Concurrent Sessions

Apparel Spatial Visualization Test and Paper Folding Test



Workman, Caldwell, and Kallal (1999) developed the Apparel Spatial Visualization Test (ASVT) to measure spatial skills related to apparel design and found it did not correlate with a measure of spatial relations. The ASVT did correlate with the Surface Development Test-a measure of spatial visualization. The purpose of this study was to test the ASVT by (1) examining the effect of two types of spe-cific training (working with commercial sewing patterns; making original flat patterns) and (2) correlating it with the Paper Folding Test (PFT)-a measure of spatial visualization.


How to Cite: Workman, J. E. (1998) “Apparel Spatial Visualization Test and Paper Folding Test”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 1999(1).