Design and Product Development

Enhancing Visibility of Street Cleaners’ Smart Clothing Uniform for Their Safety and Sustainable Usability

Authors: , ,


The purpose of the research is to explore users’ needs in using embedded luminescence, and to develop a smart uniform for street cleaners to enhance visibility for their safety and sustainable usability. This research conducted mixed-methods research methods: 1) pre-interview and pre-survey for defining problems, 2) experiment to test sustainable using for technology embedded smart clothing in machine washing, 3) post-survey for checking user’s satisfaction on safety, sustainable usability, and aesthetical aspect. After defining problems from users, design researchers develop prototypes to test user’s sustainable usability and safety.  As a result, the prototype was usable sustainably on over 25times machine washing without decreasing brightness and broken issue. Regarding integrated participants’ satisfaction, the 83.5% of participants satisfied with the retro-reflective print and design aesthetically and functionally. The results are important for the future design research with under-served users’ integrated satisfaction considering safety and sustainable usability.

Keywords: safety, smart clothing, street cleaners, sustainbility, usability, uniform, visibility

How to Cite: Oh, Y. , Jekal, M. & Lee, Y. (2022) “Enhancing Visibility of Street Cleaners’ Smart Clothing Uniform for Their Safety and Sustainable Usability”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 78(1). doi:
