Undergraduate Research

Packaging Apparel in Sustainability: The Flourishing Green Packaging Movement

Authors: ,


The purpose of this study is to investigate the consumption values (environmental knowledge,green self-identity, sales promotion, and advertisement) that can significantly affect both consumer behavior toward shopping sustainable apparel packaging (SAP) and small business retailer behavior providing SAP. A proposed conceptual framework of this study is integrated the theory of reasoned action and theory of consumption value and developed five hypotheses. The proposed conceptual framework is to examine consumers' and small business retailers' behavior towards shopping/providing sustainable apparel packaging in retail and sustainable industries. this framework can assist sustainable packaging designers, retailers, and manufacturers in identifying consumption values and providing sustainable apparel packaging based on consumer needs and small business retailer needs. Significant findings of this study will offer useful insights for sustainable consumption and businesses to improve a marketing strategy and communicate their green packaging movement.

Keywords: sustainability, packaging apparel, small business, green consumption

How to Cite: Escobar, K. P. & Nam, C. (2022) “Packaging Apparel in Sustainability: The Flourishing Green Packaging Movement”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 78(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.13879
