Textile and Apparel Science

Holistic Sensory Evaluation Method for Assessment of Novel Materials and Apparel Products

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Novel fibers and materials are increasingly being incorporated in apparel products to meet the growing demand for smart textiles, wearable technology, and sustainable products. These can have specific odors, sounds, and textures evoking unusual sensations in consumers and affecting product acceptance. Holistic sensory evaluation becomes essential for adoption of novel materials and products. However, no method assessing the full range of sensory characteristics of novel materials or products exists as sensory evaluation of textiles and apparel has traditionally focused on appearance and tactile properties. This paper presents a newly developed holistic sensory evaluation method for textiles and apparel based on the senses of sight, touch, hearing, and smell—all the human senses, except for taste. The method was carefully documented, described, and successfully tested with 34 participants to evaluate sensory characteristics and consumer perceptions and acceptance of a novel sustainable material, bacterial cellulose.

Keywords: Holistic sensory evaluation, novel materials, apparel, touch, smell, hearing, sight

How to Cite: Ghalachyan, A. & Karpova, E. (2022) “Holistic Sensory Evaluation Method for Assessment of Novel Materials and Apparel Products”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 78(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.13796
