Effects of Live Shopping on Consumer Responses, Moderated by Influencer responsiveness and perceived enjoyment
This study sought to analyze the impact of live streaming shopping, in terms of IT affordances (i.e., guidance shopping, triggered attending, and metavoicing),on purchase intention to buy fashion products, mediated by co-experience (i.e., cognitive communion, and resonant contagion) and perceived enjoyment. In addition, this study explored the moderating effect of influencers’ responsiveness.Guidance shopping affordance has a positive effect on cognitive communion and resonant contagion. The effects of a triggered attending affordance on cognitive communion and resonant contagion were significant. Consumers tend to buy fashion products when they perceived a high degree of guidance shopping affordance and triggered attending affordance.Metavoicing affordance has no effect on cognitive communion and resonant contagion.This result means metavoicing affordance is ineffective for users' cognitive sharing and emotional transmission in live streaming shopping.
Keywords: Moderated by Influencer responsiveness and perceived enjoyment, live shopping, IT affordances, Co-experience
How to Cite:
Sun, Y. & Lee, H., (2022) “Effects of Live Shopping on Consumer Responses, Moderated by Influencer responsiveness and perceived enjoyment”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.13707