A Case Study of Fashion Style in Accordance With T.P.O. of K-Virtual Influencer
As non-face-to-facecontact becomes commonplace due to COVID-19, consumers of the MZgeneration are increasingly interested in the familiar charm of virtualinfluencer and the lifestyle of communicating their daily lives.Through a fashion style study of virtual influencer according toT.P.O (Time, Place, and Occasion), we intend to understand the characteristicsof virtual influencer and help form image-oriented virtualcharacters. Based on the number of posts and followers of Virtualinfluencer in Korea from 2019 to 2021, a total of five fashionsculptural elements, including Rozy, Reah, Reah, Rui,Yu A, and Neon, wereanalyzed by dividing them into images, colors, items, silhouettes,and details. It can be seen that virtual influencer in domesticfashion has begun to engage in activities as active as influencer inreality, and as digital fashion content expands, it is createdfor corporate marketing promotion strategies, and fashion is usedto suit T.P.O.
Keywords: T.P.O, MZ generation, Virtual Influencer, Rozy, Digital fashion
How to Cite:
yun, h., Kim, H. & Choi, Y., (2022) “A Case Study of Fashion Style in Accordance With T.P.O. of K-Virtual Influencer”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.13557