Consumer Behavior
Authors: Jung Eun Lee (Virginia Tech) , Jung Rim Cho (Virginia Tech)
This study explored the influences of a Disney collaboration on product evaluations and purchase intentions. We also examined the moderating effect of born-masstige brands (i.e., those created as masstige brands) and luxury-masstige brands(i.e., those created via a downward brand extension) on these relationships. The between-subject experimental design was conducted with 2 (Disney collaborated vs. traditional products) x 2 (luxury- vs. born-masstigebrands). The result showed that in the luxury masstige brand condition (Gucci), participants were likely to have more positive product evaluations and higher purchase intentions for the traditional than the Disney collaborated handbags. For the born-masstige brand condition (Coach), the product evaluations and purchase intentions were not significantly different between the traditional and Disney collaborated handbags. This study provides important insights for masstige brand marketers that have collaborated or plan to collaborate with Disney.
Keywords: Disney, collaboration, masstige, brand, fashion
How to Cite: Lee, J. & Cho, J. (2022) “Disney Collaboration: The Moderating Role of Masstige Brand Types”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 78(1). doi: