ITAA-KSCT Joint Symposium

Wearable Clothing Pressure Measurements by Detection of Signals Through the Alpha Prototype

Authors: ,


This study is to construct the initial alpha prototype, which is the wearable measurement system with low cost and easy measurement of clothing pressure through the Arduino system. Force sensitive resistor (FSR) was used as the pressure sensor for measuring clothing pressure. To fulfill sensor calibration procedure, this study used loads 20g, 50g, 100g, 200g. Also, the exponential curve fitting algorithm was used for the interpolation of the force value. The alpha prototype used conductive threads instead of wire and was developed on felt, allowing a more flexible and suitable wearable system when accounting for the shape of the body. In addition, this study investigated the detection of clothing pressure signals during movements.  Moreover, since this alpha system was specifically proposed as a patch type, this prototype can be suggested as a standardized measurement of clothing pressure during movement.

Keywords: clothing pressure, wearable system, measurement

How to Cite: Jin, H. & Lee, H. (2022) “Wearable Clothing Pressure Measurements by Detection of Signals Through the Alpha Prototype”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 78(1). doi:
