The Emergence of Maker Culture Through Online Platforms: Focusing on Fashion Product Making Class
This studyaims to analyze fashion product makingclasses provided by an online craftlearning platform called CLASS101 in Korea and investigatespublic intention tomake fashion products through user interviews. It ismeaningful in that itstimulates people's desire for esthetic achievement orcultural consumption and creates a society where anyone can create and produce. The researchers analyzedfashion-related production classes throughthe CLASS101 homepage according toproduction methods and types of fashion products. In Apriland May 2021, Zoominterviews were conducted with those who took the fashionproduct making class.The findings suggest the necessity of developing liberal artssubjects inuniversityeducation and re-education programs for members of society throughvocational as well as lifelong educationcenters. In addition, the merits ofproduction education as a medium for creativity developmentand convergenceeducation inthe concept of design diffusion, where anyone can try new things, needto be considered.
Keywords: Maker culture, Making classes, fashion product, online platforms
How to Cite:
Lee, H., (2022) “The Emergence of Maker Culture Through Online Platforms: Focusing on Fashion Product Making Class”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi:
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