Consumer Behavior

Barriers and Enablers for Adopting Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Apparel Retailing: Insights From Generation Z and Millennials

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The global pandemic has accelerated the adoption of augmented reality and virtual reality in digital retailing. The purpose of this study is to explore the barriers and enablers that influence the consumer adoption of virtual try-on (AR) and 3D virtual stores (VR) using empirical data from Generation Z and Millennials. To this end, we developed two mock e-commerce websites for a fictitious apparel brand to embed the AR and VR technology. Two websites were identical except the type of technology used (AR vs. VR). A total of 194 female students participated in the lab experiment. Participants were assigned one of the two conditions (AR or VR), explored the website, and completed the survey that included open-ended questions asking the specific features of the assigned technology that they liked/disliked and the reasons for liking/disliking. Four key enablers and barriers for each technology (i.e., consumption vision, interactivity, enjoyment, novelty) emerged. 

Keywords: Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Virtual try-on, 3D virtual store

How to Cite: Park, H. & Kim, S. (2022) “Barriers and Enablers for Adopting Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Apparel Retailing: Insights From Generation Z and Millennials”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 78(1). doi:
