Equity Matters: The Role of Sponsored Athletic Apparel in Collegiate Athletic Programs
The current athletic apparel industry is worth approximately $135 billion (Jensen et al., 2016), and sports sponsorship global expenditure has reached $62.8 billion (Kelly, 2018). Collegiate apparel brand contracts have significantly contributed with single contracts worth up to $16 million (Jensen et al., 2017). The contracts provide institutions with apparel and accessories, as well as monetary and product bonuses. Despite their prevalence, apparel sponsorship agreements remain largely under-researched. Thus, the two-fold purpose of this study was to (1) explore the role of branded athletic apparel in collegiate athletic program sponsorship agreements, and (2) how these agreements are managed within collegiate athletic programs. A triangulation of methods was used in the data collection process, including document analysis, website content review, and in-depth interviews. Two key themes emerged from the data: Gender Matters and Sport Significance. Findings revealed disparities in product and financial provisions based upon gender and sport.
Keywords: apparel sponsorships, gender equity, collegiate athletics, athletic apparel
How to Cite:
Rose, R. L. & Hodges, N. J., (2020) “Equity Matters: The Role of Sponsored Athletic Apparel in Collegiate Athletic Programs”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.12101
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